北の大地札幌のスクエアダンスクラブ Sapporo Sunny Swingers
例会 札幌市北区民センター 1階 集会室 毎週水曜日 17:15~20:15
札幌市北区北25条西6丁目1-1 ☎ 011-757-3511
連絡先 斉藤 正也 060-0051 札幌市中央区南1条東3丁目1-1-1305
011-271-2983/080-6090-2983 sygr.saito@nifty.com
Hello We are the square dance club "Sapporo Sunny Swingers"
in Sapporo,the north part of Japan.
The members are very friendly and "Sunny",
and enjoy heart-to-heart dances.
Our regular meeting will be held on every Wednesday evening
at the meeting room in the first floor of Sapporo Kita-ku Kumin Center.
Address: Kita 25-jo Nishi 6-chome, Kita-ku Sapporo-shi.
Phone (Kita-ku Kumin Center) : 011-757-3511
Please feel free to come dance with us or call,
we would be glad to have you here.
Last updated on Oct. 3 2024